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TAP Family: BSD domain containing

Doerks et al (2002): The novel domain BSD is present in basal transcription factors, synapse-associated proteins and several hypothetical proteins. It occurs in a variety of species ranging from primal protozoan to human. The BSD domain is characterized by three predicted ? helices, which probably form a three-helical bundle, as well as by conserved tryptophan and phenylalanine residues, located at the C terminus of the domain.


Doerks, T; Huber, S; Buchner, E; Bork, P. 2002. BSD: a novel domain in transcription factors and synapse-associated proteins. Trends Biochem. Sci. 27(4):168-70

Name: BSD domain containing
Class: PT
Number of species containing the TAP: 556 (list)
Number of available proteins: 4324
Domain rules :

TAP distribution:
Minimum Maximum Average Median
1 55 7.7769784172662 8

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